[Unity]Unity2018.4的Prefab Variant(Prefab变种)功能
Unity 2018.4中送了一个新的功能: Prefab Variant
思路是, Prefab Variant 继承于一个父Prefab, 父Prefab属性修改后:
(1)如果子Prefab的某些属性不动, 则父Prefab的属性影响子Prefab的属性, 此为 [属性继承]
(2)如果对子Prefab的某些属性进行修改/覆盖, 则父Prefab的属性无法影响, 此为 [属性定制]
创建Prefab Variant的方法为: 把Prefab从Hierarchy再次拉到Project中,选择 Prefab Variant
比如做一个UGUI窗体模板, 上面有标题文字和关闭按钮
邮件窗体继承于此窗体模板,制作成为一个PrefabVariant, 但是标题文字定制修改为”邮件”
public enum PrefabAssetType
// 摘要:
// The object being queried is not part of a Prefab at all.
NotAPrefab = 0, // 不是Prefab
// 摘要:
// The object being queried is part of a regular Prefab.
Regular = 1, // 常规的Prefab
// 摘要:
// The object being queried is part of a Model Prefab.
Model = 2, // 模型(例如:FBX)
// 摘要:
// The object being queried is part of a Prefab Variant.
// A Variant Prefab is a Prefab that is derived from another Prefab,
// that be could be a Regular, Model or even Variant Prefab.
Variant = 3, // Prefab变种
// 摘要:
// The object being queried is part of a Prefab instance, but because the asset
// it missing the actual type of Prefab can’t be determined.
MissingAsset = 4 // Prefab实例化出来的对象,但是Prefab被删了(红色)
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Post Link: [Unity]Unity2018.4的Prefab Variant(Prefab变种)功能
Post Link: [Unity]Unity2018.4的Prefab Variant(Prefab变种)功能